Friends, Family and Their Dogs
Petz Pups are valuable members of the client's family. We cannot overstate the importance of caution around exit points. Please also be mindful of visiting dogs to the supported Petz Pack location.
It's Really Best to Put Them Away
Visitors will not be accustomed to how much caution is required when exiting and entering your location. We strongly suggest simply putting dogs away when visitors are present.
We Have Reasons to be this Particular
1) Install extra baby gates around exits
2) Lock deadbolt from inside to prevent unexpected entry 3) Install padlocks on the inside of privacy fence gates
This Makes Your Life Easier
Ask your visitor to text you when they arrive in lieu of knocking or ringing the doorbell and assist your visitors in and out to ensure exits are secured.
It's All About Controlling the Energy
If you decide to introduce your pack to your visitor, take the safe approach by introducing them one at a time. Dogs competing for the attention of the visitor is how dog fights start.
Communicate Basic Interaction
Ensure your visitor knows the basics: 1) Walk away if dogs begin competing with other dogs for your attention 2) Do not pick up or lower dogs in front of or into a pack of other dogs. 3) Do not introduce toys or other items that can cause competition
What About My Visitor's Dogs
Petz Pack cannot assume liability for incidents resulting from the introduction of a visitor dog. Please be certain of the visiting dog's behavior and always perform a visual inspection for contagions.
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